Welcome, I am happy that you’re here! Please allow me to introduce myself and my family. My name is Nicole Sabo and I am the owner and Creator of the Bottle Butler. My loving and supportive husband, Tim and I moved to the Myrtle Beach area with our Daughter, Izzy about a year and half ago. Prior to that, we lived in a rural town in Eastern Pennsylvania. When Izzy was a baby, she and I spent a great deal of time outside, exploring the world around us. I would take her hiking on local trails, bring her to our camper in the Poconos and would welcome the occasional outdoor brunch dates with friends. In those early days, the weather was often beautiful and we were always on the move. Even as an easy going baby, it could be challenging to manage all the needs of my infant daughter, especially outside of the home. Often when bottle feeding, I found myself holding the end of the bottle with my chin (a maneuver most of us know too well). Shortly after one of these not-so-graceful moments, I was struck with the thought, “there has to be an easier way to do this”. Well at the time, there really wasn’t, and so the idea for the Bottle Butler was born…